
Chañar is one of the most comprehensive craft shops and souvenir of San Pedro, is located at the entrance to the village and has a workshop in the store and a variety of exclusive works of local artisans. Among its unique creations can be found weavings such as shawls, vests, skirts and blankets in alpaca…

La Manada
La Manada

This shop is located in the middle of Caracoles street, in front of La Casona restaurant. This initiative is originated by a group of artisans coming from different places of Chile and who have seen their lives joined to San Pedro. They offered to the visitors the most varied handmade pieces of materials like wood,…

Jesús Valencia – Metal Art
Jesús Valencia – Metal Art

The main civilizations, such as the Aztecs in Mexico or the Incas in Peru, took art to the highest level and were directly involved with spirituality. Jesús Valencia, sculptor, who has lived in San Pedro de Atacama for more than 20 years, considers his works of art as an expression of the ancestral cultures of…

Cerro Toco / Toco Hill
Cerro Toco / Toco Hill

For a first mountain experience, coming to Cerro Toco was an excellent decision. At 5616 kilometres above sea level, this dormant volcano just 60 kilometres southeast of San Pedro de Atacama greeted us with excellent weather conditions, facilitating our ascent in just two hours. It is a little cold and a light layer of snow…

R.P. Gustave Le Paige Museum
R.P. Gustave Le Paige Museum

During our tour of the small town of San Pedro de Atacama, you mentioned to me how much you wanted to visit the Gustavo Le Paige Museum. However, when we arrived at this centre of the Atacameño cosmovision, we found out that it is no longer open to the public. Confused, we asked locals for…

Llullaillaco Volcano
Llullaillaco Volcano

The Llullaillaco volcano is serious business, a challenge only for experienced mountaineers. Considered to be one of the four highest volcanoes in the world, this massif of steep profiles is located on the border between the Antofagasta Region (Chile) and Salta Province (Argentina). To reach its base on the Chilean side, many climbers prefer to…

Pucara de Quitor
Pucara de Quitor

500 years ago, in this fortress of stone and mud where you and I meet, a bloody battle was fought for the oasis of San Pedro de Atacama. In an unequal contest, a battalion of a thousand Atacameños confronted the forces of the Spaniard Francisco de Aguirre, who managed to defeat them with the help…

Tulor Village
Tulor Village

In addition to beautiful lagoons and valleys, Los Flamencos National Reserve is also home to the Tulor Village, one of the first agricultural settlements in northern Chile, which was discovered in 1958 by Jesuit researcher Gustavo Le Paige, after two thousand years of sleep under the desert sands. So, motivated by curiosity, we decided to…

Eyes of the Salar
Eyes of the Salar

We leave Laguna Cejar behind us with the salt of its waters still clinging to our skin. The heat of the sun above us intensifies and the idea of seeking refuge in a refreshing dip becomes more and more attractive. -What about going to the Ojos del Salar? - I ask you enthusiastically as I…

Chiu Chiu
Chiu Chiu

Un oasis de sombra en medio del desierto…. Habitado por comunidades atacameñas, este silencioso pueblo de ritmo pausado se encuentra a unos 30 kilómetros de Calama. La calma aquí solo es  interrumpida por fiestas religiosas que, dependiendo del patrono, incluyen challa, harina o chicha de algarrobo. Seguramente lo reconocerás por su icónica iglesia, la más…

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